Nice Rice

Structural Engineering

The Brief

When Fergus O’Sullivan (founder at Nice Rice) first came to us a couple of years back, he was looking for a solid board rice pack that initially could be hand-erected and filled, hold heavy rice, stand out on shelf AND align to their environmental values.

Unfortunately, being a small Challenger brand he had a great idea and a great product but, with limited funds, was struggling to get the early-stage lower volumes needed for the packaging and for the co-packing.


Our Approach

Fergus needed to show retail buyers ‘finished’ product and have a supply chain in place that was ready to go. Luckily our design studio has years of carton design experience in dried foods and our Digital production team are able to print high-quality cartons in low volumes.

A rice pourer option was the preferred choice as the board spout was integral to the pack. This meant it was 100% fibre-based and recyclable.

Due to the weight of the contents some work had to be done developing the webbed corners to eradicate any holes. The lock system also had to be strengthened.

Finally, the profile was approved and the Digital team printed 5,000 of the beautifully-designed cartons.


How It Worked

It was a two-year long packaging journey but Fergus has just had his first listing in 250 Waitrose stores as well as currently supplying independent stores nationwide.

This job will, at some point, go onto the litho presses as the volumes have increased; this makes it super-easy for Fergus with all the leg-work having been done under the same roof.

The Nice Rice brand champions sustainably-farmed rice which previously wasn’t available on the UK retail shelves.